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Blizzard Carnival plans to return in 2023

2022-07-07 11:24:40来源: 游戏时光

暴雪总裁 Mike Ybarra 在《洛杉矶时报》的采访中表示,公司计划在 2023 年让暴雪嘉年华回归。此前,线下暴雪嘉年华因为疫情停办了两年,今年初的线上活动又因动视暴雪性骚扰丑闻的动荡而停办。不过在为暴雪嘉年华聘请了新负责人后,暴雪正致力于在 2023 年举办线下的暴雪嘉年华。Ybarra 在采访中具体说到:我们之前宣布暂停暴雪嘉年华,重新设计未来的活动,但我们确实想重回线下活动,让我们和社群共同庆祝。我们最近聘请了新的暴雪嘉年华领导人,April McKee,他正在努力实施这一计划……我们致力于在 2023 年让暴雪嘉年华回归。过去几年的暴雪嘉年华形式丰富,包含旗下各作的发布会,开发者座谈会,电竞比赛和 cosplay 比赛,目前还不清楚暴雪准备举办什么形式的线下活动。比如暴雪曾在 2021 年时考虑过

Mike Ybarra, President of Blizzard, said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that the company plans to return Blizzard Carnival in 2023. Previously, the offline Blizzard carnival was suspended for two years due to the epidemic, and the online event at the beginning of this year was suspended due to the turbulence of Activision Blizzard sexual harassment scandal. However, after hiring a new director for Blizzard carnival, Blizzard is committed to holding the offline Blizzard Carnival in 2023. Ybarra specifically said in the interview: We previously announced the suspension of Blizzard Carnival and the redesign of future activities, but we really want to return to offline activities and let us celebrate with the community. We recently hired a new Blizzard Carnival leader, April McKee, who is working hard to implement this plan... We are committed to returning Blizzard Carnival in 2023. In the past few years, Blizzard Carnival has a variety of forms, including the press conferences of its works, developer symposiums, E-sports competitions and cosplay competitions. At present, it is not clear what form of offline activities Blizzard plans to hold. For example, Blizzard considered it in 2021

标签: 嘉年华 暴雪