新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2021《和平精英》超级杯暨空投嘉年华落幕,未来将与LPL跨界联动


2021 peace elite Super Cup and airdrop Carnival ended, and it will be cross-border linked with LPL in the future

2021-08-02 18:27:00来源: 触乐

7月31日,2021《和平精英》超级杯暨空投嘉年华在上海梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心落幕。《和平精英》超级杯总决赛决出了超级单排赛、全明星双排赛、超级战队赛3项冠军。其中,AG·舒寒凭借大幅度领先优势获得单排赛冠军,全明星双排赛冠军由AG·自然灿与奔奔解说获得,超级战队赛冠军则由RNG收入囊中。 腾讯游戏光子工作室群S工作室总经理、《和平精英》项目负责人高丽娜为单排赛冠军AG·舒寒颁发奖金板和超级单排赛奖杯 超级战队赛冠军由RNG获得 在超级杯现场,观众们毫无疑问是热情的。考虑到疫情影响,进入比赛场馆必须出示48小时内本地核酸检验报告,健康码和行程码均为绿码。有此前提,能到现场观赛已经颇为不易。 只不过,观众的热情有很大一部分是为了偶像而来。我在观众席上坐定,发现自己

On July 31, the 2021 peace elite Super Cup and air drop Carnival ended at Shanghai Mercedes Benz cultural center《 The Super Cup finals of "peace elite" have determined three Champions: super single row, All-Star double row and super team. Where, Ag & amp; middot; Shu Han won the single row championship with a substantial leading edge, and the All-Star double row championship was won by Ag & amp; middot; Natural can and gallop commentary won, and the super team championship was collected by RNG.

标签: 嘉年华