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On the first day of 30000 Manmi went to cartoon Carnival

2015-07-25 05:19:35来源: 华龙网

昨天,年轻观众在“动漫北京”上与卡通人偶合影。当日,为期三天的第四届动漫北京暨第十二届中国(北京)动漫游戏嘉年华在国家会议中心开幕。 本报记者 孙戉摄 本报讯昨天上午不到9点,地铁8号线“奥林匹克公园站”E出口,涌出一大波儿cosplay的年轻人,仿佛刚从漫画中走出来的人物,在早高峰...

yesterday, young audience "cartoon Beijing" with cartoon figures in the photo. Day, for a period of three days of the fourth animation Beijing and the twelfth China (Beijing) animation Carnival in the National Conference center. Newspaper reporter Sun Yue photo Washington less than 9:00 yesterday morning, the subway 8 lines "Olympic Park Station" exit e, emission of a wavelet Cosplay young man, seems just from the cartoon came out of the characters. In the morning rush hour.

标签: 嘉年华