新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方发布《极品飞车19》游戏vs真实画面


Official release of the need for speed 19 "game vs the true picture

2015-07-25 06:27:17来源: 中关村在线

EA重启作《极品飞车19》画质相当碉堡,日前官方公布一组游戏画面与真实图片对比,侧面印证本作的超强画质,由寒霜3打造。 对比图: 对比图由合作社区Speed Hunters制作,官方表示不公布何为游戏画面,但对比图细节可知,网友可自行观察。 早先游戏截图: 《极品飞车19》由...

EA restart the need for speed 19" the quality is quite bunker, recently released official a group picture of the game and the real picture contrast side confirmed the superior quality, by the frost 3 build. Contrast figure: the comparison chart by the cooperative community Hunters Speed production, the official said that the game does not publish the picture, but the details of the comparison chart can be known, users can observe their own. Previous game screenshots: "need for speed 19" by...

标签: 游戏