新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《极限竞速 地平线5》尚未发售,但游戏内玩家已超百万

《极限竞速 地平线5》尚未发售,但游戏内玩家已超百万

Extreme racing horizon 5 has not been released yet, but there are more than one million players in the game

2021-11-08 13:03:29来源: 游戏时光

微软发行的赛车竞速模拟系列“地平线”新作《极限竞速 地平线5》即将于 11 月 9 日发售,首发登陆 XGP,不过已有不少玩家为了能抢先进入游戏而购买了顶级版游戏,根据游戏内的排行榜统计目前进入游戏的玩家数已超过 100 万。 截至11月8日早上时玩家排行榜上已有98万用户《极限竞速 地平线5》顶级版国区定价 389 元,拥有 XGP 会员的用户也可购买 176 元的“顶级附加包”入手抢先资格和额外内容。顶级版除了能够于 11 月 5 日提前进行游戏两个大型 DLC、42 辆额外车辆、新手欢迎包等内容,目前《极限竞速 地平线5》仅预购版本就已登上 Steam 销量榜榜首。来源:world_today_news

The new racing simulation series "Horizon" released by Microsoft, "extreme racing horizon 5", will be released on November 9 and will be launched on XGP. However, many players have purchased top-level games in order to get into the game first. According to the ranking list in the game, the number of players entering the game has exceeded 1million.

标签: 玩家 游戏