新关注 > 信息聚合 > 节奏跑酷游戏《海克斯炸欢天:英雄联盟外传》现已公开


Rhythm Parkour game "hykes explodes: Legend of the League of heroes" is now public

2021-11-10 09:12:57来源: 游戏时光

今日(11 月 10 日)凌晨,拳头旗下的发行工作室 Riot Forge 突然公布了一款新游戏:《海克斯炸欢天:英雄联盟外传》。视频地址据 Steam 页面介绍,本作是一款快节奏音乐节拍跑酷游戏。玩家将扮演海克斯爆破专家吉格斯,一路炸过皮尔特沃夫的大街小巷。游戏过程中,玩家要跟随音乐节奏做出弹跳、爆破等动作,帮助吉格斯完成目标。《海克斯炸欢天:英雄联盟外传》将于北京时间 11 月 17 日登陆 Switch / PC 平台,游戏支持中文。本作 Steam 版售价为人民币 38 元,Switch 版售价为 9.99 美元。来源:Riot Forge

In the early morning of today (November 10), riot forge, the distribution studio under fist, suddenly announced a new game: hykes' happy day: The Legend of the League of heroes. Video address according to steam page, this is a fast-paced music beat Parkour game. The player will play Giggs, a hacks blasting expert, who has blasted the streets of piltwaffe all the way. During the game, players should follow the music rhythm to make jumps, explosions and other actions to help Giggs achieve his goals. "Hykes explodes: The Legend of the League of heroes" will land on the switch / PC platform on November 17, Beijing time. The game supports Chinese. The steam version of this work is priced at 38 yuan and the switch version is priced at 9.99 dollars. Source: Riot Forge

标签: 英雄联盟 游戏