新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欢庆育碧35周年 双十一大促特别行动现已开启

欢庆育碧35周年 双十一大促特别行动现已开启

The special action to celebrate Ubisoft's 35th anniversary of the "double 11" National Congress has been launched

2021-11-06 08:48:30来源: 游戏时光

育碧宣布,作为 35 周年庆典的特别行动,育碧国际商城双十一大促特别行动现已开启。即日起至 11 月 12 日 18 点,海量游戏除有独家折扣外,每日闪购及满减活动也全线开启,更有“随心配”全新玩法。大作随心配作为本次活动推出的全新玩法,玩家只需在指定的 A 区 B 区中各任选一款游戏即可达成随心配组合,最高立省 697。其中《幽灵行动:断点》豪华版(原价:348 元)+《看门狗2》黄金版(原价:498 元)仅需 149 元,《孤岛惊魂5》标准版(原价:298 元)+《看门狗》标准版(原价:148 元)仅需 69元。随心配组合分为 149 元和 69 元区,玩家可选择对应价位区中的游戏进行组合购买。“随心配”组合商品需单独结算购买,且不参加满减活动。“随心配”组合商品优惠与 U 点兑换折扣不可同时使用。每日闪购

Ubisoft announced that as a special action for the 35th anniversary celebration, the special action to promote the 11th National Congress of Ubisoft International Mall has been launched. From now on to 18:00 on November 12, in addition to the exclusive discount, the daily flash purchase and full discount activities have also been launched for a large number of games, with a new play method of "follow your heart". As a new play method launched in this activity, players only need to select one game in the designated area a and area B to achieve the free configuration combination, with a maximum of 697 provinces. Among them, the deluxe version of ghost action: breakpoint (original price: 348 yuan) + the gold version of watchdog 2 (original price: 498 yuan) only costs 149 yuan, and the standard version of Isle 5 (original price: 298 yuan) + the standard version of watchdog (original price: 148 yuan) only costs 69 yuan. The optional combination is divided into 149 yuan and 69 yuan areas. Players can choose the Games in the corresponding price area for combination purchase. The "follow your heart" combination products need to be settled and purchased separately, and do not participate in the full reduction activities. "Follow your heart" combined product discount and u-point exchange discount cannot be used at the same time. Daily flash purchase