新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《永劫无间》全球销量破600万份,新赛季预告公开


The worldwide sales volume of never ending has exceeded 6million copies, and the preview of the new season has been made public

2021-11-10 10:31:30来源: 游戏时光

官方宣布,《永劫无间》全球销量已经突破 600 万份,官方称这创下国产买断制游戏销量新纪录。与此同时,官方还发布了新赛季新英雄的演示预告。视频地址新赛季「破阵」将于 11 月 11 日上线,为玩家们带来新英雄「岳山」、新赛季通行证,同时游戏也得到了优化。据官方透露,新赛季还有一位新英雄和一款近战武器,以及包括双排在内的模式将在之后陆续发布。为了庆祝销量破 600 万份,官方将给全服玩家赠送与平遥文涛坊古兵器博物馆合作的匕首皮肤「马首刀」和头像,同时宣布本作将从双十一开始为期一周的打折,最低六折起。

It was officially announced that the global sales volume of never ending has exceeded 6million copies. The official said that this has set a new record for the sales of domestic buyout games. At the same time, the official also released a preview of the demonstration of new heroes in the new season. Video address the new season "breakthrough" will be launched on November 11, bringing players a new hero "Yueshan" and a new season pass. At the same time, the game has been optimized. According to the official disclosure, there will be a new hero and a melee weapon in the new season, as well as the mode including double platoon will be released later. In order to celebrate the sales volume of more than 6million copies, the official will give full-service players a dagger skin "horsehead knife" and a head portrait in cooperation with Pingyao wentaofang ancient weapons Museum. At the same time, it is announced that this work will be discounted for a week from double 11, with a minimum discount of 6.