新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《画江湖之灵主》手游携手橙光游戏 DIY大赛来袭

《画江湖之灵主》手游携手橙光游戏 DIY大赛来袭

"Painted lake of the spirit of the Lord" hand travel hand in hand orange game DIY contest struck

2016-01-06 10:27:17来源: 多玩游戏

随着《画江湖之灵主》动漫的节节升温,日前,由掌趣科技研发顶级团队研发,若森数字正版授权的《画江湖之灵主》动漫同名手游也逐渐浮出水面,游戏将于1月28日登陆苹果App Store。 在游戏上线前夕,掌趣科技携手橙光游戏,新一轮的《画江湖之灵主》手游DIY大赛即将火爆打响!攻略百里登风、...

With the painting, rivers, lakes and the spirit of the Lord "animation steadily warming, recently, by palm interest science and technology R & D team of top R & D and ruosen digital genuine authority of the painting, rivers, lakes and the spirit of the Lord" animation hand tour of the same name gradually surfaced, the game will on January 28, landing on Apple's app store. On the eve of the game on the eve of the palm interested in science and technology to join hands orange light game, a new round of the soul of the soul of the painting hand tour DIY contest is about to start hot! Raiders 100 rieden wind,...

标签: 手游 游戏