新关注 > 信息聚合 > Denuvo服务器问题导致多款搭载DRM的游戏暂时无法游玩


The denuvo server problem has caused several DRM equipped games to be temporarily unavailable

2021-11-09 16:27:04来源: 游戏时光

上周日,有玩家在社交媒体上反映部分搭载了 DRM(数字版权管理)的游戏无法打开,包括新发布的热门游戏《银河护卫队》和《足球经理2022》。 其他受影响的游戏还包括《德军总部 新血脉》《动物园之星》《托尼·霍克职业滑板1+2》《真人快打11》《全面战争 战锤》和《古墓丽影 暗影》等游戏。虽然问题在不久后就被修复,但还是很多玩家对此表示不满。《古墓丽影 暗影》无法在 Steam 启动 有人推测是 Denuvo 用于激活游戏的 Codefusion 域名过期导致了这个问题。据报道,Denuvo 在 Codefusion 域名的注册在今年 9 月 24 日到期,11 月 7 日似乎是续订宽限期结束的

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Last Sunday, some players reported on social media that some games equipped with DRM (Digital Rights Management) could not be opened, including the newly released popular games "Galaxy guard" and "football manager 2022"& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Other games affected include new blood of German army headquarters, zoo star, tonyhock professional skateboarding 1+2, live action 11, total war hammer and Tomb Raider shadow. Although the problem was fixed soon, many players were dissatisfied with it. Tomb Raider shadow cannot be started on steam & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Some people speculate that the expiration of the codefusion domain name used by denuvo to activate the game caused this problem. It is reported that the registration of denuvo's domain name in codefusion expired on September 24 this year, and it seems that the grace period for renewal ended on November 7

标签: 游戏