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邦盛科技实时风控 护航徽商银行“徽常有财”

Full state science and technology risk control in real time Escort huishang bank "badge is wealth"

2017-09-04 17:22:10来源: DoNews

近日,徽商银行在 “第五届银行综合评选”中斩获“年度直销银行十强”奖。作为赴港成功上市的内地城商行,徽商银行以创新步调快速突入互联网金融市场,并始终视风控是平台的核心竞争力。其直销银行“徽常有财”上线的邦盛科技互联网授信决策事中反欺诈方案,将实时精准的拦截欺诈风险和信用风险,为其信贷授信业务构筑起牢固的“防火墙”。创新驱动 传统信贷风控系统急需升级信贷业务是典型的经营风险业务,80%的风险控制需要在审核审批过程中完成。在关键的风控环节,银行传统信贷以人工审批为主,贷款门槛较高,流程复杂,且普遍效率较低。随着互联网金融的蓬勃发展和客户需求的日益多元化,银行小额信贷业务快速发展,同时风险也在逐渐增...

Recently, the anhui merchants bank in "the fifth bank comprehensive selection" gains "direct selling top ten of the year" award. As the successful listing in Hong Kong the mainland city of businesses, with innovation fast-paced huishang bank financial markets into the Internet, and always regard the risk control is the core competitive edge of the platform. Its direct bank "badge is wealth" online full state science and technology, the Internet credit decisions matter fraud scheme, the real-time accurate intercept fraud risk and credit risk, to its credit credit business build strong "firewall". Innovation drive of traditional credit risk control system urgently needs to upgrade the management risk of the credit business is a typical business, 80% of the risk control needs to be done in the audit process. Risk control in key link, the traditional bank credit is given priority to with manual approval, loan threshold is higher, complex process, and generally low efficiency. With the vigorous development of the Internet financial and customer demand increasingly diverse, bank microfinance business rapid development, at the same time, risk also increased gradually in...