新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神奇周四 《帝国霸略》登场 来自西方的三国争霸

神奇周四 《帝国霸略》登场 来自西方的三国争霸

Magic Thursday the Empire tyrant slightly "debut from western the hegemony of the Three Kingdoms

2015-08-13 19:18:45来源: 不凡游戏网

转眼我们又迎来了周四的曙光,本周手游圈老牌劲旅Gameloft为我们带来了社交策略新作《帝国霸略》(March of Empires),而迪士尼则通过一部另类的休闲RPG带来了超级英雄的混合玩法!想寻找更多好玩、有趣的手游新作吗?那就往下看吧! 周四优秀新游戏一览:(上期回顾) 《帝...

in an instant we ushered in the dawn Thursday, this week tour circle powerhouse Gameloft we brought social strategy for the new" imperial hegemony "(March of Empires), while Disney through a kind of leisure RPG brought mixed play super hero! Want to find more fun, fun hand travel? Then look down! Thursday: outstanding new game list (the review) "dili...