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经典不再只是回忆《真·三国无双 爆发》公测在即

Classic no longer just memories "true warriors burst" beta soon

2015-08-13 19:11:05来源: 4399

动作策略卡牌手游《真·三国无双 爆发》公测即将震撼开启,经典玩法将再次降临。据悉,官方将于本月率先推出安卓删档测试。至此,经典不再只是回忆。 《真·三国无双 爆发》系日本光荣特库摩旗下《真·三国无双》系列在手机平台上的初作。玩家可以在这款手游中体验到沙场征战,发动无双乱舞力敌万人的爽快...

action strategy card poker tour "really, Dynasty Warriors burst" beta is shocked to open, the classic play will come again. It is reported that the official will take the lead in the first release of Android test. So far, the classic is no longer just memories. "Dynasty Warriors" Japanese outbreak's glorious tecmo "Dynasty Warriors" series on mobile phone platform at the beginning. Game player can experience the battlefield in this campaign Mobile Games, launched a flurry of unparalleled force the enemy million people readily...