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清新画风血腥内在 Avoid.《避无可避》挑战齿轮边..

Fresh style bloody internal Avoid. "avoiding to have no can avoid" challenge gear side..

2015-08-13 18:40:00来源: 任玩堂

前不久任玩堂才给大家推出了一个关于“反差萌”主题的游戏合集,本周就迎来了一款同样风格的休闲新游——Avoid.《避无可避》。光从画面上看游戏属于简朴清新色调,主角小人偶的设计也算是可爱,但看到他旁边还挂着几个锋利锯齿轮的时候,就有种苗头不对的赶脚了。 游戏的规则和操作都非常简单,玩家只...

soon became play hall to give you launched a "contrast Meng" theme on the game collection, this week ushered in the casual travelogue of a similar style, Avoid. the obstacle without obstacle ". Light from the screen game belongs to simple fresh tone, protagonist of the dummy design is quite lovely, but to see him hanging with some sharp serrated wheel, there are no signs of Ganjiao the. The rules and the operation of the game are very simple, players only...