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不仅仅是情怀 《热血传奇》手机版大热的真相

Not only is feelings "Mir" mobile version of hot truth

2015-08-14 11:00:22来源: 新浪

由盛大游戏传奇工作室研发、腾讯代理的《热血传奇》手机版从8月7日开启不删档限时不限号测试以来,表现抢眼,截止8月7日18:00就蹿升到了App Store免费榜第一、畅销榜第三的位置。截止发稿前,它已经占据畅销榜第一的位置。同时百度指数在当天达到28198的峰值。在上周7881游戏交易平...

by grand legendary game development studio, Tencent agent "Mir" mobile version from August 7 to open does not delete files limit is not limited number of tests since the eye-catching, cut-off August 7 at 18:00 on jump up to the app store for free list first, selling the third place in the standings. As of press time ago, it has occupied the first place in the best seller. While Baidu index reached a peak of 28198 on the day. In last week's 7881 game transactions...

标签: 热血传奇