新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血传奇1.76韩国秒卡版1月29日开启 登录途径全..

热血传奇1.76韩国秒卡版1月29日开启 登录途径全..

Legend of Mir 1.76 Korea seconds card version of the January 29th open login way..

2015-01-23 11:17:58来源: 多玩游戏

历经14年沉淀的热血传奇将如浴火凤凰一般,将以崭新的面貌出现在玩家面前。盛大传奇工作室与韩国Wemade公司强强联手制作的热血传奇1.76韩国秒卡版将于1月29日首次封闭测试!翘首以待多时的玩家们,你们准备好了吗? 【热身活动——下载游戏并注册账号】 通过官方首页(http://...

after 14 years of precipitation of the legend of Mir will as bath fire phoenix, will with brand-new appearance in front of game player. Grand legendary studio and Korea Wemade company Qiangqiang jointly produced by the legend of Mir 1.76 Korea seconds card version will be in January 29th for the first time the closed test! Waiting for much of the game player friends, are you ready? [warm-up activities -- download games and registered account] through the official home page (http://...

标签: 热血传奇