新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《地下城堡》入选App Store2014年度游戏精选榜

《地下城堡》入选App Store2014年度游戏精选榜

"The underground castle" selected App Store2014 game of the year selection list

2015-01-23 15:55:02来源: 4399

回顾2014年的众多精品游戏中,国产游戏《地下城堡》无疑成为了众多玩家争相讨论的话题,然而在App Store公布的2014年精选游戏中,赫然就出现了《地下城堡》。 地下城堡的全称是《地下城堡:炼金术师的魔幻之旅》,是2014年异军突起的一款游戏。游戏很低调地登陆App Store后,...

back in 2014 many high-quality goods game, the domestic game "underground castle" will undoubtedly become the numerous game player to the topic of discussion, however, published in the App Store 2014 featured in the game, impressively appear "underground castle". The underground castle's full name is "underground castle: alchemical magic trip", 2014 A new force suddenly rises. is a game. The game is very low-key visit App Store,...

标签: 游戏 APP