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热血传奇手机版什么职业好 职业选择攻略

Legend of Mir mobile phone version of what a good professional career choice Raiders

2015-07-16 11:16:29来源: 4399

热血传奇手机版秉承了PC端的风格,战法道三个职业仍然是玩家的选择!如果说在端游里三个职业操作难度都差不多的话,在手游里却不是这样了。三大职业到底孰优孰劣,你的职业选择又是不是适合你的呢? 跟以往的PC版传奇相比,法师跟道士在手游中更占优势,但是相对来说操作难度更大,走位技巧和技能释放需...

legend of Mir mobile version of adhering to the PC style and tactics road three career is still the player's choice! If you say in the end of the three professional operation is almost the same difficulty, in the hand, but not so in the hand travel. Three career exactly what are the advantages and disadvantages, your career choice is not for you? Compared with the previous PC version of the legendary, mage and priest in hand travel more dominant, but relatively speaking, the operation is more difficult, skill and movement skill release.

标签: 热血传奇