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《奇兵》刘小锋整蛊队友 洪剑涛深陷游戏黑洞

"Raiders of the Lost Ark" Liu Xiaofeng tricky teammate Hong Jiantao deep game black hole

2015-08-20 15:20:59来源: 搜狐

《奇兵》刘小锋整蛊队友 洪剑涛深陷游戏黑洞 搜狐娱乐讯 在云南卫视《勇者奇兵》上一期的节目中,6位精兵勇闯密室、智斗黑衣,成功破解了一道道看似不可能解答出的难题,在团结协作下,一举击败黑衣人首领康杰。而本期节目,勇者们则来到人流如织的奥特莱斯广场,化身正义的“福尔摩斯”抓捕隐藏其中的...

"Raiders of the Lost Ark" liuxiaofeng tricky teammate Hong Jiantao deep game black hole Sohu Entertainment News in Yunnan TV "brave Raiders of the Lost Ark" on a stage show, six troops braving the chamber of secrets, fry black, successfully cracked the road, a seemingly impossible problem answer, in the unity and cooperation, in one fell swoop beat black leaders Kangjie. And this episode, brave to people such as weaving Aotelaisi Plaza, the embodiment of justice, "Sherlock Holmes" catch hidden...

标签: 游戏