吃豆人是比较老的游戏了,小编记得还是小的时候,用红白机就开始玩了,当然那时候的画面可没有如今游戏这么绚丽多彩的。今天小编要为大家介绍的这款《吃豆人256》是为了纪念《吃豆人》系列诞生35周年而特别推出的纪念版,算算时间,比小编的年龄都要高一个辈分了,足见这款游戏的经典之处。 游戏保持了...
pac man, Xiaobian remember or small, red and white machine began to play, of course, the picture can not now the game is so colorful. Today Xiaobian to introduce this "Pac Man 256" is to commemorate the Pac Man series was born the 35th anniversary of the launch a special commemorative edition, calculate the time, than a small series of age to high a degress, signifying the classical place of this game. The game is kept...