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《坦克世界》四大新玩法 资源争夺战首次加入

Resources of the four new ways in the world of tanks to battle for the first time to join

2015-08-20 15:27:23来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 8月20日消息,在本月发布的9.9全新资料片中,《坦克世界》又连续开启三大全新玩法,依次为:攻坚战,2-X多队伍混战,空地联动,近日又增开第四大新玩法——“资源争夺战”,玩家将以控制地图资源点为目标展开激战。 不同于传统的第三种胜利方式 《坦克世界》通常有两种胜利方式—...

Sina game news news, August 20, and in this month released 9.9 new piece of information, the world of tanks and continuous open three new play, is as follows: the battle of assault fortified positions, 2-x team melee, space linkage, recently and an additional fourth big new ways -- "the scramble for resources", players will to control the map resources as the goal fought a fierce battle. Different from the traditional third kinds of victory in the world of tanks, there are usually two ways of victory -...