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乌龟锲而不舍拯救四脚朝天同伴 获赞英雄(图)

Turtle perseverance save sprawled peer won the praise of Heroes (Figure)

2015-06-05 14:00:04来源: 中国青年网

据英国《镜报》6月3日报道,台湾台北市一只乌龟为拯救仰翻在地的同伴,屡次奋力推动同伴,锲而不舍,最终成功将同伴翻正,堪称“英雄”乌龟。 看到同伴仰躺在自己的龟壳上,四脚朝天,无法自己翻滚过来,这只英雄乌龟于是开始奋力施救。这一过程中,它乌龟表现出了钢铁般的意志,誓要将同伴推起。 ...

according to the British "mirror" reported on June 3, Taipei, Taiwan a tortoise to save Yang turned in the companion, often struggling to promote peer, perseverance, the ultimate success of the righting peer, called the "hero" the tortoise. See companion lying in his turtle shell, legs in the air and he couldn't roll over, the hero turtles began struggling to rescue. In this process, it showed the turtle iron will, vowing to push up the companion. ...