新关注 > 信息聚合 > 娱记吐槽盛典之神曲 魔音灌耳一整年

娱记吐槽盛典之神曲 魔音灌耳一整年

Yuji Tucao festival for the divine comedy magic sound irrigation ear for a whole year

2014-12-18 15:19:26来源: 中国青年网

大张伟唱《胡撸胡撸瓢儿》的雷人造型 娱记给明星的话: 2014年,我们要对乐坛说声“抱歉”。因为乐坛的整体不景气,被媒体关注到的和音乐有关的新闻,基本都是神曲,尽管乐坛的专业音乐人根本不屑提及...

DaZhangWei sing "Hu Lu Hu Lu Piao Er" thunder style amusement to star: in 2014, we want to say "sorry" to the music. Because the music overall downturn, media attention to music news, basic is the Divine Comedy, although the music professional music people don't even bother to mention...