新关注 > 信息聚合 > 深藏功与名!红军藏绝世高人 靠他12场狂捞27分

深藏功与名!红军藏绝世高人 靠他12场狂捞27分

With deep merit! The Reds hidden by his 12 peerless expert crazy make 27 points

2015-01-18 04:34:21来源: 搜狐


football world, there is a now called Marchena, you really don't superstitious, as long as he played the game of the Spanish, the matador Corps can remain unbeaten, this phenomenon more than 50 games, the Spanish coach Bosco once quipped, coach Ma Che Nabi works, help the matador Corps won the 2008 European cup...