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冈巴午饭在车里吃 宇佐美贵史换发型要破富力门

Ggomba lunch Usami Takashi in the car to change hair style to break the door

2015-04-21 17:35:25来源: 新浪

大阪冈巴抵达广州机场准备领取行李的队员们 宇佐美贵史新发型 新浪体育讯 上个赛季的日本三冠王大阪冈巴在本赛季的亚冠联赛中开场遭遇了闷棍,首个主场就被广州富力2比0完胜,进而两连败,一时间跌落到了小组最末位。 但是在随后的比赛中,这支老牌劲旅逐渐恢复了元气,从此前在本小组排名第一...

ggomba arrived in Guangzhou airport to the baggage claim players Usami Takashi new hairstyle of sina sports dispatch on the season in Japan, three time winner of the Osaka ggomba in this season's League AFC Champions League open encounter overseas, the first home court was the Guangzhou R & F 2 0 victory, the two game losing streak, a time down to the last group. But in the next game, this powerhouse gradually recovered from the team, ranked first...