新关注 > 信息聚合 > i7笔记本推荐 戴尔14MR-3728S降至5580

i7笔记本推荐 戴尔14MR-3728S降至5580

I7 laptop recommend Dell 14MR-3728S fell to 5580

2015-08-10 23:57:32来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线福州行情)戴尔14MR-3728是一款采用Intel酷睿i7 4510U处理器,更强性能,更多动力的笔记本电脑。今日,该款笔记本在商家福州天悦电脑科技(联系电话:13905020886/...

(ZOL Fuzhou market) Dell 14MR-3728 is a the Intel Core i7 4510U processor, the performance is stronger and more power laptop computers. Today, the notebook in the merchant of Fuzhou Tin Yuet computer technology (Tel: 13905020886/...