新关注 > 信息聚合 > lol5月27日免费英雄更换公告 lol5月27日周免英雄

lol5月27日免费英雄更换公告 lol5月27日周免英雄

Lol5 month 27 hero free replacement announcement lol5 27 weeks from hero

2016-05-25 21:55:58来源: TechWeb

lol5月27日免费英雄更换公告 lol5月27日周免英雄,小编带来lol5月27日免费英雄更换公告 lol5月27日周免英雄。 什么是每周免费英雄呢?新玩家们会发现就算你没有买英雄,在游戏中也有13个免费英雄可以使用。免费英雄我们会在每周五轮换,这样大家不用花钱也能体验到不同英雄带来...

Lol5 month 27 hero free replacement announcement lol5 27 weeks from hero, small make up to bring lol5 month 27 hero free replacement announcement lol5 27 weeks from hero. What is a weekly free hero? New players will find that even if you don't have to buy a hero, in the game there are 13 hero can use free of charge. We will free hero on Friday rotation, so that you don't have to spend money also can experience different hero...

标签: LOL