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Lol wrestling game developer's log release - weekly review of wrestling game information

2021-11-28 10:13:06来源: 游戏时光

拳头公布《Project L》开发者日志拳头游戏近期公布了《英雄联盟》IP衍生格斗游戏《Project L》的开发者日志。执行制作人Tom Cannon和技术主管Tony Cannon一同向玩家展示了有关该游戏核心玩法、角色设计和网络代码等消息。《Project L》是一款以协力攻击为主导的2D格斗游戏,玩家需要选择两名英雄组成队伍参战。而在操作方面,官方秉承“易于上手,难以精通”的准则,对输入指令进行了简化。玩家只需要通过特定按键,配合方向键即可使用各种招式。角色设计方面,官方以艾克为例子进行讲解。艾克在游戏中最为关键的技能是“时空打击”。艾克在使用“时空打击”时会产生一个残影,玩家可以在之后的几秒里随时回溯到这个残影身上。玩家可以根据回溯的不同时机来迷惑对手,或者为队友的协力技提供掩护。而“时间卷曲器”是艾

Fist released the developer log of project L. fist recently released the developer log of Project L, an IP derived fighting game derived from League of heroes. Tom cannon, the executive producer, and Tony cannon, the technical director, showed the players the information about the core playing method, character design and network code of the game. Project L is a 2D fighting game dominated by cooperative attack. Players need to select two heroes to form a team to fight. In terms of operation, the official has simplified the input instructions by adhering to the principle of "easy to use, difficult to master". Players only need to use specific keys and direction keys to use various moves. In terms of character design, the official took Ike as an example to explain. Ike's most critical skill in the game is "time and space strike". Ike will generate a remnant when using "space-time strike", and players can trace back to this remnant at any time in the next few seconds. Players can confuse opponents according to different opportunities of backtracking, or provide cover for teammates' cooperative skills. And the "time curler" is AI

标签: 游戏 LOL