新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL周免英雄3月20日 最新英雄联盟周免英雄查询

LOL周免英雄3月20日 最新英雄联盟周免英雄查询

LOL week free hero March 20th latest hero alliance week free hero query

2015-03-19 21:02:02来源: 电玩巴士


hero alliance website 16 announced in March 20th is about to replace the free weekly hero, the hero is a list of most of game player very familiar hero, for like new game player who may be disappointed, the following is the detailed list of heroes. At the same time, the new LOL lucky Summoner activity began, from March 18th to March 28th, ninety percent off buy a hero like skin and props to the game player, do not miss, there is address transfer...

标签: 英雄联盟 LOL