上一个10年,《英雄联盟》专注在PC平台,从测试期只有十几个角色、平平无奇的类“DOTA”游戏,成长为拥有超过150名风格各异的英雄、风靡全球的MOBA竞技游戏。全球冠军赛从S1的160万人观赛,到S11决赛时7000万人同时观看。凭借不断更新和出色的运营,《英雄联盟》得到了全球上亿玩家的热爱,成为一代玩家共同的记忆。 通常情况下,一款经典游戏会随着一代玩家年纪的增长,慢慢淡出主流。唯有不断推陈出新,才能让经典游戏不断以新面貌吸引新玩家。《英雄联盟手游》是拳头今年的重头戏,也是对移动游戏趋势的回应。经过一年多的测试,《英雄联盟手游》上线后在多个国家和地区的游戏商店荣登榜首。手机游戏的便捷性让不少玩家重回召唤师峡谷。在今年这个特殊的时期,和朋友一起线上游戏成了很多人生活中重要的慰藉。苹果也
In the last 10 years, "League of heroes" focused on the PC platform. From the test period, there were only a dozen roles and ordinary classes & ldquo; DOTA& rdquo; The game has grown into a global MoBa competitive game with more than 150 heroes of different styles. The global championship was watched by 1.6 million people in S1 and 70million people in S11. With continuous updating and excellent operation, "League of heroes" has been loved by hundreds of millions of players around the world and has become the common memory of a generation of players.