育碧于今日公布旗下第三人称射击游戏“全境封锁”即将登陆移动平台,新作标题为《全境封锁 曙光》(Tom Clancy’s The Division Resurgence),将在 iOS 和安卓免费推出,推出时间未定。 视频地址《全境封锁 曙光》将带来与《全境封锁》和《全境封锁 2》不同的全新战役,故事背景为现代美国的后危机时期,病毒爆发造成混乱,政府也随之瓦解,玩家将成为“国土战略局”的一员,努力恢复秩序,保护平民免受敌对势力的侵害,并协助他们建立更美好的未来。来源:Gematsu
Ubisoft announced today that its third person shooter game "national blockade" is about to land on the mobile platform. Its new title is "Tom Clancy's the division recovery", which will be launched free of charge on IOS and Android. The launch time is uncertain. The video address "twilight of blockade across the border" will bring a new battle different from "blockade across the border" and "blockade across the border 2". The story is set in the post crisis period of modern America, when the virus broke out and caused chaos, the government also collapsed. Players will become a member of the "bureau of homeland strategy", strive to restore order, protect civilians from hostile forces, and help them build a better future. Source: gematsu