新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《巫师之昆特牌》roguelite模式资料片今日上线


The roguelite model expansion of the wizard's Quint card was launched today

2022-07-07 10:31:27来源: 游戏时光

CD Projekt Red 宣布,《巫师之昆特牌》的独立资料片《Rogue Mage》今日上线。本作专注于为玩家提供 roguelite模式 PvE 单人体验。《Rogue Mage》的剧情发生在杰洛特出生的几百年前,玩家在游戏中将扮演法师 Alzur,致力于创造首个猎魔人。不过本作的故事并非《巫师》世界观的正史内容。除了探索地图、构筑牌组,玩家在游戏过程中也需要做出道德选择。本作登陆 PC / iOS / Android 平台,没有在主机平台推出的计划。游戏支持单独购买,标准版售价 9.99 美元,包含皮肤、卡包等内容的高级版售价 19.99 美元。来源:CDPR

CD Projekt red announced that the independent expansion "rogue mage" of "Wizard Quint" was launched today. This work focuses on providing roguelite mode PVE single player experience for players. The plot of "rogue mage" takes place hundreds of years ago when jerot was born. Players will play mages in the game