SE 公布了“吃鸡”手游《最终幻想7 第一战士》的实机预告,展示了游戏中的战斗画面和可选职业等要素。在游戏中,玩家将扮演神罗战士的候选人之一进行入队测试的模拟训练。本作将于 2021 年在全球范围开始运营,免费登录 iOS/Android 平台,支持繁体中文。视频地址
Se announced the live preview of the "eat chicken" mobile game "Final Fantasy 7 first soldier", showing the battle screen and optional occupations in the game. In the game, players will play one of the candidates of Shenluo soldiers for team entry test simulation training. This work will be put into operation worldwide in 2021, log in to IOS / Android platform for free, and support traditional Chinese. Video address