新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《阴阳师》手游荒川之主御魂选择搭配推荐


Lord of the Yin and Yang "mobile game arakawa soul choose collocation is recommended

2016-10-16 20:24:46来源: 任玩堂

《阴阳师》手游荒川之主是SSR中被大多数人认为是咸鱼的式神,也是个人第一个号,第一天,第一张符抽出的SSR,所以一直没有放弃培养。一起来看看阴阳师手游荒川之主御魂选择搭配推荐吧。 首先是他的技能...

The Yin and Yang "is the Lord of the mobile game arakawa SSR is considered by most people as in the type of salted fish, god is also a personal number first, for the first day of the first character extraction of SSR, so never give up. Take a look at t mobile game of Yin and Yang arakawa royal Lord of soul to choose collocation is recommended. First is his skills...

标签: 手游