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Jane: history of Yongding power supply swim silently mourning loved dear old hard

2014-12-19 12:43:20来源: 中国电力新闻网

中电新闻网通讯员 郑茜娴 看完《健康之路》,匆忙吃过晚饭,游史珍提上自制的治疗便秘的马铃薯蜂蜜泥,再次来到了医院。自5年前公公长住医院后,她的生活轨迹便成了公司、家与医院的“三点一线”。每天晚上...

electric News correspondent Zheng Qianxian read "the road to health", hastily eaten dinner, You Shizhen put on the treatment of constipation of homemade potato honey mud, once again came to the hospital. Since 5 years ago after the father-in-law of long stay hospital, life trajectory her became company, home and hospital "3.1". Every night...