新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩泰轮胎涉价格垄断被罚217万 被指违法成本有点低

韩泰轮胎涉价格垄断被罚217万 被指违法成本有点低

HANKOOK tires involved in the price of a monopoly was fined 2 million 170 thousand accused of illegal costs a bit low

2016-04-14 04:49:34来源: 中国新闻网

新京报讯 (记者魏微)汽车业反垄断出现新案例。国家发改委网站昨日发布消息称,上海市物价局近日对上海韩泰轮胎销售有限公司(以下简称“韩泰轮胎”)达成并实施价格垄断协议案依法作出行政处罚,韩泰轮胎面临2...

Beijing News (reporter Wei Wei) new auto industry antitrust case. The website of the national development and Reform Commission announced yesterday said that the Shanghai Municipal Bureau recently to Shanghai Hankook Tire Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hankook tire") and reach the implementation of price monopoly agreement case to make administrative punishment according to law, Hankook tire face 2.