新关注 > 信息聚合 > 九旬秦怡自编自演:希望拍一部“留得下来的作品”


Ninety Qin Yi Zibianziyan: want to shoot a "stay down"

2015-06-11 10:00:00来源: 人民网

电影《青海湖畔》首映观摩会昨日在中国气象局举行。影片由94岁的老艺术家秦怡主演并编剧。秦怡表示,拍摄这部电影圆了她一个梦,这是她十多年前就有的一个心愿。 《青海湖畔》通过女气象工程师梅欣怡的回忆...

film "Qinghai Lake" premiere will observe yesterday, held at the China Meteorological Administration. Film by the 94 year old veteran artist Qin Yi and screenwriter. Qin Yi said, shooting the film round her a dream, which is more than a decade ago she had a wish. "Qinghai Lake" through the memory of the female meteorological Engineer Mei Xinyi...