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扬州:鬼门关上走一遭 诱因竟是抽烟

Yangzhou: the gate of hell to go being a cause was actually smoking

2015-08-23 16:10:48来源: 青岛网络电视台

心肌梗塞在人们印象中,一般都是老年病。但前几天,33岁的扬州市民王先生却突发心梗,到鬼门关上走了一遭!正值年富力强,心血管咋就撂挑子了呢? 8月19号,记者在苏北医院心脏内科的重症监护病房,见到...

myocardial infarction in people's minds, are generally in elderly patients. But a few days ago, Mr. Wang Yangzhou people at the age of 33, but a sudden myocardial infarction, to the gates of hell zouliaoyizao! When ye goes be in the full vigour of life, cardiovascular? August 19th, reporters in the north of the hospital in the Department of internal medicine, the of the intensive care unit, see...