新关注 > 信息聚合 > 纪念品与现实场景的借位摄影


Borrow photographic memorabilia and realistic scenes

2016-03-18 13:10:54来源: 大河网

去旅行时总免不了带纪念品回家 ,好在彼时暏物思此时,但除此外,其实纪念品还能以更有趣的方式保存下来。一次偶然,德国摄影师Michael Hughes将自由女神像的纪念品浑然天成的融入了现实场景中,两...

Always found time to travel with souvenirs to take home, but fortunately that time was thinking gives an eye on this case, but the addition, a fact souvenirs also more interesting ways preserved. A chance, the German photographer Michael Hughes Statue of Liberty souvenirs nature itself into the real-life scenarios, two ...