新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官员限读令引发EMBA退学潮 名校招生锐减4成

官员限读令引发EMBA退学潮 名校招生锐减4成

The official reading order triggered EMBA dropout tide school enrollment dropped 4

2015-03-19 03:37:14来源: 新浪网

官员限读令和经济放缓让EMBA热“退烧”,10多所名校商学院负责人齐聚中大商讨对策 中国EMBA已发展13个年头,从盛极一时到退学如潮,正负评价不断,未来商学院、EMBA何去何从?昨日,来自人大...

official limited reading order and the economic slowdown to EMBA hot "fever", more than 10 elite schools responsible people gathered in Chinese to discuss countermeasures EMBA has 13 years of development, from the school to be in fashion in one's time positive and negative reviews, evaluation, EMBA the future of business school, decide on what path to follow? Yesterday, from the National People's congress...