新关注 > 信息聚合 > 知名模特向格里芬表白 美媒:傻芬别让我们失望

知名模特向格里芬表白 美媒:傻芬别让我们失望

A model is known to vindicate the Griffin U.S. media: silly Fenbie let us disappointed

2015-11-01 10:11:30来源: 新浪

萨曼塔-胡普斯 新浪体育讯 北京时间11月1日,布雷克-格里芬走桃花运了!据知名八卦网站TMZ报道,近日美知名泳装女模公开向洛杉矶快船球星格里芬示爱。 格里芬自出道至今,以令人血脉贲张的扣篮...

Samantha - Hoopes sina sports news Beijing time on November 1, Blake Griffin get Taohua Yun! According to the famous gossip website TMZ reported recently, a famous American female swimsuit open to the Losangeles clippers star Griffin love. Griffin since his debut, with exciting dunk...