新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海淀百名小学生为“警察爷爷”高宝来送行(图)


Haidian 100 pupils as "Grandpa police" Gao Baolai off (Figure)

2015-05-27 03:07:43来源: 千龙

原标题:今天 孩子们为高爷爷送行 今晨(26日)6时50分,在海淀实验小学门前路边,百余名小学生手捧白花,和百余名民警、老师、家长一起,泪光闪闪地目送着恩济庄派出所民警高宝来的灵车缓缓通过。师生和家长们抬手敬礼,为多年义务护送小学生上下学的老民警送行。 疏导交通本非老高的工作范围...

original title: today the children for Grandpa off this morning (26) 6 50 points, in Haidian Experimental Primary School in front of the side of the road and hundreds of students holding white flowers, and hundreds of police, teachers, parents, tears shining watched enjizhuang police station Gao Baolai a hearse. Slowly to pass. Teachers and parents hand salute, for many years of compulsory school pupils to escort the old police. The high traffic non working range...