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杨颖跑男简单发型获赞 清新造型吸睛

Angela Baby ran a simple hairstyle men praised fresh modeling suction eye

2014-10-25 03:05:39来源: 和讯网

这是跑男第一期中杨颖的造型,简单马尾造型十分的甜美有范,而其实刘海的编发增添时尚感,MM们也可以学学。 将头发梳理好后,取一束头发进行编发,边编发边加入发束,编号之后用发夹固定,再将头发炸成简单那的马尾就完成了。 杨颖之前的这种复古长卷发,散发性感迷人气息,与她在跑男中的清纯造型...

this is run first period male in the shape of Angela Baby, a simple ponytail shapes the very sweet fan, and in fact the bangs of engendering add fashion sense, MM can also learn. Combing the hair is good, take a bunch of hair braided hair, hair while adding the edge of hair bundles, number after fixed with the hairpin, then fried into a simple Ponytail Hair that was completed. Angela Baby before this retro long curly hair, sporadic sexy breath, and she ran a men's pure modeling...