新关注 > 信息聚合 > 名宿力荐曼联签贝尔+格子 表态:必须同时签2人

名宿力荐曼联签贝尔+格子 表态:必须同时签2人

Legend made Manchester united to sign + grid bell said: two people must be signed at the same time

2017-01-28 03:19:11来源: 华体网

名宿力荐曼联签贝尔+格子 马竞神锋格列兹曼转投曼联?似乎也不是不可能。而曼联名宿费迪南德则更加“雄心壮志”,他认为曼联今夏应该签下格列兹曼和贝尔,后者也跟曼联频频传出绯闻。 费迪南德谈到:“...

Legend god whom Manchester united to sign + grid bell atletico Madrid front Glenn boltzmann move to Manchester united? Also seems to be not impossible. Manchester united legend Rio Ferdinand is more "ambition", he should think that Manchester united this summer signing Glenn boltzmann and bear, who also with Manchester united and spread gossip. Ferdinand said: "...