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楼市政策趋紧 左手开发、右手运营或成行业趋势

The housing policy tightening Development, left hand right hand operations or industry trends

2016-10-24 01:11:20来源: 金融界

在住宅市场调控趋紧之际,房企之间的竞争不再是单一维度上的比拼,商业运营管控能力正成为企业竞争力的重要指标。 最新发布的克而瑞《2016前三季度房地产企业运营收入榜》显示,今年前三季度,以商业地产运营为主的龙头企业异军突起,红星美凯龙、中粮大悦城分别冲至第二和第五位。业内人士认为,“左...

Tightening regulation in the housing market, the competition between enterprise competition is no longer a single dimension, commercial operation control ability is becoming an important index of enterprise competitiveness. The latest release of g and red 2016 in the first three quarters of the real estate enterprises operating income list shows that in the first three quarters of this year, mainly commercial real estate operating leading enterprises in industry of beauty of red star triumphant dragon, cofco Joy City rushed into the second and fifth, respectively. The personage inside course of study thinks, "left...