新关注 > 信息聚合 > 机动战士敢达OL版本更新,引玩家猜测连连


Mobile Suit Gundam OL version update, cited guess game player again and again

2015-04-02 12:10:14来源: 游久网

正版机甲射击网游《机动战士敢达OL》于3月18日开启了国服的开放性测试。截至目前的数据看来,本次测试同样取得了不俗的成绩,玩家游戏赞誉有加。与此同时,在与游戏相关的各大贴吧及论坛还出现了许多玩家对于游戏新版本的爆料和猜测。 图1:游戏现正火热开放性测试 新版本主打游戏平衡性 ...

genuine shooting online games "Mobile Suit Gundam OL" open in March 18th tested open country clothing. Up to now the data view, this test also achieved good results, game player has won praise. At the same time, in each big forum Post Bar and associated with the game also appeared a lot of game player for the new version of the game broke the news and speculation. Figure 1: the game is now hot open test the new version of the main game balance...