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Signs appear in what to do?

2016-09-18 09:19:07来源: 新浪

大讲堂特邀嘉宾: 吕小燕,广东省第二人民医院主任医师 怀孕足月以后,如果出现以下征兆孕妇就可以知道到自己快要临产了。 第一,有宫缩、下坠的感觉。这种下坠、宫缩的感觉是没有规律的,不定时的,持续时间会比较短,十几秒,通过休息这种症状是可以改善的。但是孕妇去医院检查的时候会发现宫...

Lecture hall specially invited guests: xiao-yan lv, the second people's hospital of guangdong province, director of the physician After pregnancy to full term, if the following symptom onset pregnant women can know that she was in labor. First of all, feel contractions, drop. This fall, the feeling of contractions is not regular, timing, duration will be shorter, more than ten seconds, rest by this kind of symptom is capable of improvement. But will find palace when pregnant woman went to the hospital to check...