新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家浅谈为何外挂泛滥 因游戏设计影响

玩家浅谈为何外挂泛滥 因游戏设计影响

Discussion on why the game player plug-in flooded with game design influence

2015-06-15 03:11:24来源: 多玩游戏

潜水五六年,我也来谈谈笑傲! 现在动不动拿辅助说事,好吧,有的人叫外挂不叫辅助,归根到底,还是游戏设计的问题。游戏内容少,副本少,掉落少,然后叫你重复重复再重复那么几件事,换谁也受不了吧。 ...

diving for five or six years, I have to talk about this! Now motionless with auxiliary, well, some people called plug-in called assisted, in the final analysis, or game design. Game content less, fewer copies, falling less, and then ask you to repeat repeat repeat so a few things, for who can not stand it. ...

标签: 游戏