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虎牙直播助力西瓜视频嘉年华 众头部主播齐现身实力吸粉

Canine teeth live help watermelon video carnival The anchor head appeared power suction powder

2017-11-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,西瓜视频首届西瓜 PLAY 视频嘉年华在北京751 D·PARK 盛大召开,虎牙直播作为独家直播平台,不仅对活动进行全程直播,还获得全会场最大展位,并且虎牙直播旗下众头部主播亲临现场,与粉丝和用户进行亲密互动。 超人气主播现身 会场变粉丝见面会 虎牙直播作为游戏直播的开创者,在各游戏领域都拥有众多主播,此次的嘉年华,更是迎来了“电竞女王”Miss、“国服第一男刀”骚男、“主机一哥”楚河、“王者荣耀一哥”孤影和“王者荣耀一姐”婷小姐的到来,现场主播们与粉丝通过游戏进行深度互动的同时,还和粉丝们一起打起了水友赛,现场异常火爆。 虎牙直播展台 现场粉丝众多 值得一提的是...

A few days ago, the first watermelon watermelon video PLAY video carnival 751 D · PARK in Beijing held a grand, canine teeth live as exclusive broadcast platform, not only to the event will be broadcast live across the, also get the largest venue booths, and live tiger tooth, the anchor head on the ground, close interaction with fans and users. Superman gas anchor scouting in the meeting Canine teeth as creator of the game is live, live in all the games have many anchor, the carnival, but also ushered in the e-sports queen ", "Miss," the first male knife "SAO," host "bo Lin," the elder brother of the king glory a solitary shadow "and" king glory one elder sister "d. young lady's arrival, the site hosts interact with fans through the game depth at the same time, also play up with fans, water friendly site. Canine teeth broadcast booth The scene fan many It is worth mentioning is that...