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The promotional video of science adv's new work "anonymous code" is made public

2022-07-28 10:18:04来源: 游戏时光

MAGES. 旗下千代丸工作室开发的科学幻想 ADV 系列新作《匿名代码》已于今日(7 月 28 日)登陆 PS4 / Switch 平台,官方公布了本作发售宣传预告视频。 视频地址《匿名代码》(ANONYMOUS;CODE)是一款科幻主题文字冒险类游戏,故事发生在近未来的日本中野,玩家将扮演一名“白帽黑客”高冈步论,但在接触神秘少女“茉茉”后,高冈步论逐渐发现这个世界实际上是一个“地球模拟器”,并使用自己的特殊能力“存档&加载”去寻找拯救世界的方法。

MAGES. The new series of science fantasy adv series "anonymous code" developed by its qiandaimaru studio has landed on the PS4 / switch platform today (July 28), and the official release of the promotional preview video of this series. The video address "anonymous; code" is a sci-fi themed text adventure game. The story takes place in Nakano, Japan in the near future. The player will play Takaoka Bu Lun, a "white hat hacker". However, after contacting the mysterious girl "Mo Mo", Takaoka Bu Lun gradually found that the world is actually a "Earth Simulator", And use their special ability "archive & amp; load" to find ways to save the world.

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